Starting Your Sustainable Summer

Written By: Alie McDougall

We are officially into the summer months! Maybe you or your friends are wondering how you can get involved in the environmental movement, or how you can be more sustainable this summer. 

Check out this blog post for three ideas and action items! This collective action is so important in the fight against climate change. 

  1. Turn off your AC when possible 

As average temperatures continue to rise around the world, greater populations are relying on AC units to stay comfortable and safe. But according to the World Economic Forum, the use of air-conditioning and electric fans accounts for nearly 20% of electricity use across the globe, making them a heavy contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Instead of immediately turning on the AC when the temperature goes up, first turn off any lights , close the blinds, and use water to stay cool! 

  1. Repurpose or donate old clothing items

When you are going through your closets this summer looking to get rid of unnecessary pieces, consider repurposing or upcycling some of these items. We have all seen the social media trends of tie-dye, cropping shirts, and bleaching jeans; what other creative ideas for repurposing clothes do you have? If you are still looking to get rid of items, make use of apps like Depop and Poshmark or your local thrift store! 

  1. Join an environmental group 

If you are looking to work with a team to conquer larger goals relating to the environmental movement, you can look for an established group to join. Applications for high schoolers looking to join the Tomorrow Project will open in July and roll through the start of fall. Other national youth environmental groups include the Sunrise Movement, SustainUS, and Climate Justice Alliance. 

Use and share these ideas with friends and family to start your sustainable summer. Also use the comment section below to add ideas! 


The Newest Thing in Fashion: Old Clothes 

Why Clothes Are so Hard to Recycle 

Europe to America: Your love of air-conditioning is stupid

Demand for cooling is blind spot for climate and sustainable development