Tomorrow Project Memorization Game

About the game

What to recycle and what to compost can be challenging. There are so many different items that we use on a daily basis. However, many of these items are thrown into the garbage when they could be put in the compost and recycle bin which would be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. That is why the Curriculum team have created a fun memorization competition open to anyone! In this memorization game, you will need to memorize the items found on the list, at the bottom of the page. The winner will be the person that names the combined most items for the recycling category and compostable category.

To submit the amount of items you memorized (which are not limited to the list. You can look up more to memorize), you will take a video of yourself saying all the items you have memorized which are compostable and then all the items that you memorized which are recyclable. The winner will be the person that memorizes the most items (which are correct).


Upload your finished game to receive a certificate & enter to win a Tomorrow Project shirt!