The Ultimate Guide to Creating an Eco-Friendly Business

Written by: Lacie Martin

We only have one planet, and here at The Tomorrow Project, we’re dedicated to helping people take action to keep that planet safe for everyone. Right now, many people are considering starting their own business to fill gaps left in the market due to COVID-19. We’ve created this guide to help any hopeful entrepreneurs consider ecopreneurship. This is when you build your business to be eco-friendly from the very start. Here’s a look at how to make this happen:

Think Logistically

Eco-friendly businesses can only make an impact if they can stick around.

Create an Eco-Friendly Environment

Your workspace should reflect your environmental goals:

Commit to the Environment at Every Level

Think critically about how your business can help the world.

  • Source materials from local sources whenever possible to cut down on shipping impacts.

  • Investigate your supply chain to make sure you aren’t supporting companies which harm the environment.

  • Use your company’s charitable donations to support organizations that are fighting for climate and environmental action at the government level.

Remember, in order to make a difference with climate change, we all have to come together. Anything your business can do to focus on environmentalism and make your practices more eco-friendly can help usher in real change. We hope this article gives you the resources you need to get started. Want to learn about more ways to help the environment? Join the Tomorrow Project.

Photo Credit: Pexels